Plants That Can Treat Cancer

November 15, 2017
Plants That Can Treat Cancer
Cancer is one specific type of disease. The emergence of this disease from a process that affects the organs of the body. In a healthy human body, cells in the tissues develop normally. The presence of a trigger causes the normal life of the cell to become abnormal. The growth of cells in the body becomes uncontrolled, splitting away continuously and growing fast.

The result formed a new cell group outside the control of the body. Increased cancer cell division occurs not only in one tissue, but can also spread to other organs. Especially following the flow of blood and lymph flow. The new cell will invade in a similar way and slowly begin to damage the body's organs. 

Cancer cells must be stopped before they can divide. Because cancer cells multiply themselves by splitting, then spread and expand throughout the body's tissues. Can be to the lungs, intestine, breast, brain, skin, or blood. The growth of out-of-control and abnormal cells sucks the body's energy massively.

Some plants that can cure cancer

1. Soursop leaves

For the Treatment of Cancer:
9 pieces of soursop leave old boiled with 3 cups water until remaining 1 cup, drink 2 times per day for 2 weeks. This soursop leaf information has properties such as chemotherapy, even more, intense because soursop leaves only kill cells that grow abnormally and let normal cell cells grow.

2. Rosella flowers

The content of Rosela flower petals: contains vitamin C, vitamin A, and amino acids. Amino acids that the body needs, 18 of which are found in Rosela's petals, including arginine and lignins that play a role in the process of cell body rejuvenation.

 In addition, Rosela also contains protein and calcium, Gossy pepsin anthocyanin and glucoside hibiscus which has diuretic and choleretic effects, improving blood circulation, preventing high blood pressure, improving bowel performance and functioning as a tonic (powerful medicine).

3. Mangosteen Leather Juice

The skin of the queen of Tropical Fruits can produce xanthones, a substance formed by the isolation of mangosteen peel. Level reached 123.97 mg per ml. Xanthones have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity. Xanthone compounds can counteract free radicals and prevent cell damage so that cell degeneration process is inhibited. 

Especially nowadays, we have been much contaminated by chemicals, pollutants and artificial materials, and it's all inevitable. In addition, Xanthone not only as an antioxidant but also anticancer. Lately, scientists are also testing the potential of mangosteen's skin as an HIV drug.

4.Mengkudu ( Morinda )

Dr. Ralph Heinecke in 1950 discovered levels of xeronine in the fruit. Xeronine itself is then known as a substance that is able to neutralize various diseases, such as blood sugar, premature aging, and can lower cholesterol levels. Even some recent research shows that this fruit can also be a killer of deadly cancer.

5.God Crown

God crown contains active substances such as:

  • Alkaloids, this substance is detoxification that can neutralize toxins in the body
  • Saponins, which are useful as anti-bacterial and viral sources, boost the immune system, increase vitality, reduce blood sugar levels, reduce blood clotting
  • Flavonoids useful as Smooth blood circulation throughout the body and prevent the occurrence of a blockage in the blood vessels, reduce cholesterol content and reduce fat accumulation in blood vessel walls, reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

6.Kendall Leaf

Chemical Properties: This plant is rich in various known chemical constituents, including Alkaloid compounds namely lobelin, lobelamin, and Istomin.

Pharmacological  Effect: Toxic sap, anti-inflammatory, antineoplastic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and hemostatic.

Part of Plant Used: This pharmacological effect is derived from the use of leaves, flowers and whole plants.


Turmeric / Gathering / White Yellow (Curcuma zedoaria). This plant contains curcumin and curious. Although it feels bitter Kunir / Turmeric / White Ginger is reliable as an anticancer herbal remedy.

Herbal treatment is an alternative for many people to cure diseases. One of the most popular herbal treatments is white turmeric that can be used to help cure cancer.
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