Benefits of Cinnamon Herbal Medicines For Health

November 14, 2017
Kayu Manis Untuk Kesehatan  

Despite the fact that, the herb has been used as part of our eating routine since the past, has lately been the focus of the world's extraordinary attention to the potential medical benefits of herbal ingredients

There are many things that are interesting and detrimental to homegrown treatments. Before taking care of yourself with herbal ingredients or seeking advice from qualified homegrown specialists, consider improvements and shortages of treatment and home remedies.

There are various advantages related to the utilization of natural medicine and not pharmaceutical goods. Cases include: 

Reduce the danger of reactions:

Most homegrown recipes are very much experienced by patients, with undesirable results not as much as pharmaceutical drugs. Herbs usually have fewer symptoms than habitual solutions and may be safer to use occasionally.

Sufficiency of enduring conditions:

The natural recipes have a tendency to be stronger and longer lasting that do not react well to ordinary medication. One example is a spirit recipe and an option used to treat joint pain. The drug of choice for joint pain, again, has some symptoms.

Lowering Cost:

Another preferred effect for natural healing is taken. Herbs are cheaper than doctors. Research, testing, and advertising add to the cost of doctors who support expensive drugs. Herbs have a tendency to be simple as opposed to drugs.

Much availability: Another viewpoint of natural medicine is its availability. You can develop some simple ingredients, such as peppermint and chamomile, at home. In some remote areas, herbs may be the main treatment accessible to many people.

Basically, a medicinal herb is a drug, and like a different drug, they have some advantages and disadvantages.
This is one case of some very healthy herbs on the health of the body.


There are two types of cinnamon:
Ceylon (cinnamon), often considered "original cinnamon"
Cinnamon Cassia or Chinese cinnamon (Cinnamomum aromaticum), usually cheaper than Ceylon cinnamon.
Because Ceylon cinnamon is very expensive, it is mostly found in the United States and Western Europe, including bread and goods that make use of the cheaper Cassia cinnamon (dry Cassia skin). Currently, cinnamon is considered the second most famous body in the United States and Europe.

Cinnamon has been discovered since 2000 BC in Ancient Egypt, where it is very important to be considered a panacea. In the Middle Ages, specialists used cinnamon to treat pain: for example, backache, joint pain, and sore throat.

Here are some health benefits that can be given by cinnamon.

1. Controlling blood sugar

Cinnamon helps the digestion process after eating and helps improve insulin response in patients with type 2 diabetes. One gram of cinnamon alone is known to decrease blood sugar levels, triglycerides, bad cholesterol, and total cholesterol in diabetic patients. Based on, cinnamon also lowers the risk of heart disease in diabetic patients.

2. Improve brain function

Smelling cinnamon is known to increase brain activity. also explained that the smell of cinnamon can improve a person's cognitive process and helps in concentrating, given the speed at which work on a computer program.

3. Lowering cholesterol

Cinnamon is very suitable for digestive health, intestines, and protect from heart disease. Cinnamon can also lower cholesterol. 

4. Warm up

Cinnamon is commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine in people with fever or influenza. This is because cinnamon contains substances that make the body warmer and more comfortable.


1 comment

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